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Morris Chapel United Methodist Church is committed to serving those across the globe.

Salvadorian Mission Projects

Brian Dubberly is working to establish a mission partnership between the Evangelical Methodist Church in El Salvador and United Methodist Volunteers in Mission in the US, whose purpose is to improve the spiritual and physical lives of economically disadvantaged people living in El Salvador.  Brian works with the Evangelistic Methodist Church of El Salvador to establish churches, distribute food, keep a medical clinic open and help the church meet the overwhelming social needs of the people of Ahuachapan, transforming lives for Jesus Christ.

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Operation Christmas Child

Since 1993, more than 100 million boys and girls in over 130 countries have experienced God’s love through the power of simple shoebox gifts from Operation Christmas Child. Samaritan’s Purse works with local churches and ministry partners to deliver the gifts and share the life-changing Good News of Jesus Christ.

United Methodist Volunteers In Mission, Southeast Jurisdiction

United Methodist Volunteers in Mission, SEJ (UMVIM, SEJ) helps place volunteer teams and individuals in more than forty countries around the world and thirty states of the USA each year. Persons served include those in need of both material and spiritual resources to deal with issues of poverty, disaster, education and economic development.  UMVIM, SEJ seeks to provide means by which persons may answer the call that God has placed on their hearts to be in service to Christ and His Church. The method used is short-term mission service in places of real need, as articulated by the hosts who have the need.

United Methodist Volunteers In Mission Work Teams

United Methodist Volunteer in Mission Work Teams provides financial assistance to domestic and international UMVIM short-term mission work teams originating from within the North Carolina Annual Conference.


(919) 499-4949

8533 Cox Mill Road

Sanford, NC  27332

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